
Stock Peers Bulk API

The Stock Peers Bulk API allows you to quickly retrieve a comprehensive list of peer companies for all stocks in the database. By accessing this data, you can easily compare a stock’s performance with its closest competitors or similar companies within the same industry or sector.

About Stock Peers Bulk API

This API is designed to help investors, analysts, and portfolio managers:

  • Identify Competitors: Get a list of peer companies that operate in the same industry or offer similar products/services.
  • Benchmark Performance: Compare a company's financial performance and stock metrics against its peers to gauge relative strength or weaknesses.
  • Strategic Analysis: Use peer data to conduct industry-level analyses, helping to uncover trends or opportunities within a sector.
  • Investment Decisions: Evaluate whether a company stands out or lags behind its competitors in terms of key metrics such as revenue growth, profitability, or stock price performance.

This bulk data API simplifies the process of finding peer companies for multiple stocks in one query, making it a valuable tool for deeper market analysis.


How it works

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Stock Peers Bulk API FAQs

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Financial Modeling Prep API provides real time stock price, company financial statements, major index prices, stock historical data, forex real time rate and cryptocurrencies. Financial Modeling Prep stock price API is in real time, the company reports can be found in quarter or annual format, and goes back 30 years in history.
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